The Ojukwu Family Journal
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
  Don't you hate it when it feels like anything that could possibly go wrong actually goes wrong... Well that's what it feels like between yesterday and today. I have done everything I could possibly do to stay away from trouble. But it seems like trouble follows me everywhere I go. As I was driving to work yesterday . The cop decides to pull me over because My license plates were expired. He just happened to pull up behind me. I should have known better. I later called Maureen to let her know that I was at the campus police department. I was sort of upset because this shouldn't have been the case. Anyways this messed up the rest of my day. I began to take things a little more seriously that afternoon. I went to the DMV to see if I can get the plates renewed and basically they told me that I can really do anything until the 17th of May. I spoke to my lawyer, and he asked me to fax the information I had over to him. I told I would do that on wednesday. I was sort of nervous about the whole thing. I will try to figure out the whole thing when I get a chance. I rode the bus this morning to work. It wasn't a bad ride at all. I felt pretty dumb, Hopefully we will be able to fix this problem at the next court date. I still have to deposit my tax return money into my account. I am hurting right now cause I don't know what I can do. There never a moment of rest.Hopefully by the end of this summer all of these issues will be sorted out. But for right now I will be in the hot seat until I fix this problem. Well I just needed to pout to someone and the only one I could talk to was this blog. Thanks for listening. 
Friday, May 09, 2003
  Well another Episode in my life just passed. I ompleted my second class presentations this evening and I was sooo Excited. The Class was CDSS Community Decisions Support Systems. We did a project on the Boone County Vision Project. This projec absically talked about developing community participation in decision making. But lets get to the Nitty Gritty. My mother called last night and apparently someone had stolen her card and used some of her money from teh account. I can see how that can upset anyone. I told here that I would do what I can to help her out with getting her money back. I am also realizing that I don't have that much money to work with. Hopefully everything will turn out just fine. The softball game was cancelled last night becauase a thunderstorm was underway. A tornado hit down in Lawrence where Candyce lives. But she was ok. Anyways I don't feel l ike sayin g toom much cause I have lot of work to do. Later... 
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
  I just wanted to let everyone know that I would be starting this page so that we all can post information on here when ever we wanted. I think its a great site to start a family journal. That way we know whats going on in each others lives. I hope everyone is feeling great. Me myself I have been really busy with completing my finals and all my assignment. I have a poster presentation due on thursday and a final exam tommorow afternoon. I have been studying my butt off for the final exam tommorow. But I'm not sure how well I am going to do. I am crossing my fingers and hoping that it comes out ok. But who knows..

Well I just wanted to say a few words before I posted the page for the first time. I hope this page stuff works.

Thursday, May 01, 2003
  This is the second posting. 
This blog site was created for the Ojukwu family members to keep a journal records of all that goes on.

05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003 / 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 /

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